Thursday, May 24, 2012

Vegetable Update - Tomato

As i wanted to have a fair crop of Tomato's so i can make Tomato Sauce and store it fro the winter for my pasta's etc, I decided to start a few Tomato plants to see how they go.

My Cherry Tomato

Cherry Tomato

My Cherry Tomato seedlings

Tomato Plant Transplanted

Transplanted Tomato Plant

I need to do some research on how BIG i should allow my seedlings to get in the seed tray before transplanting them to bigger pots.....

Tomato Seedling

I also planted some full size Tomato seeds in my vegetable container, i planted 9 seeds and will eventually thin out to 2 plants, or maybe i will transfer the seedlings to there own container. My thoughts are that two Tomato plants can grow in this container at each end - its about 30 by 12 inches so i think there is room...

At the moment you can see about 9 shoots - i will see how they grow..

9 small Tomato Seedlings

Next up... an update on my Runner Beans and Corn and a glimpse at my Chilli Pepper seedlings.

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